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Acoustical Breadth
An analysis that deals with the acoustical properties of the walls and ceiling in the group fitness room. Currently, the walls and ceiling in the group fitness room are painted drywall and storefront. This analysis will focus on determining the current absorption values of the current systems in the room and will include calculations on incorporating a new acoustical system.
Analysis 1 (Amenities Acoustical System)
There is an acoustical underlayment beneath the flooring in the gym and group session gym; however, there is no acoustical materials on the walls or ceiling to reduce the levels of sound inside the room. The current systems on the wall and ceiling is painted drywall and one wall is storefront. With limited absorption in the current system, various materials and systems would provide the necessary absorption to allow safe noise levels in the room for extended periods of time. Currently, the drywall and storefront are not absorptive and instead reflect the sound back into the room.
Analysis 2 (Harnessing Renewable Energy)
With the construction industry moving towards energy efficient buildings, the open space of the flat roof is currently wasted space. With this significant amount of open space on the flat roof, the installation of solar panels will enable the building to save energy by harnessing the suns energy. For the breadth associated with this analysis, I would like to analyze the buildings structure to ensure that the building can hold the additional weight of the solar panels. 
Analysis 3 (Use of Modular Bathrooms)
In an apartment complex of this size, the finishes for the bathrooms takes an enormous labor force. With several trades constantly in and out of these bathrooms, quality control is nearly impossible to maintain, causing rework or a lower quality final product. Additionally, the designer decided to go with a ‘pure white’ grout color. With the earth around the site having a red tint to it, the grout overtime became permanently stained from workers walking on the tile with mud on their boots. I am proposing the prefabrication of the bathrooms for The Smith at Valley forge. This would be an effective way to reduce the amount of labor on site along with having a better-quality product in the end. 
Industry Research Topic (Lean Construction)
The overall goal from conducting this research is to provide CBG Building Company with data on the implementation of Lean Construction on new construction projects. CBG is going to continue to build new projects as long as they are awarded them, so understanding how to properly implement this system along with knowing the data behind its success will help them build successful projects in the future. Data will be collected through a survey that will be created and distributed to various individuals in the industry.
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Electrical Breadth
An analysis that deals with the building’s electricity consumption. This breadth will take the open roof area into consideration and strategically place the panels to ensure their maximum efficiency. After the solar panels are placed and their total energy production is calculated, it will be compared to the energy consumption in the common areas.

Note: While great efforts have been taken to provide accurate and complete information on the pages of CPEP, please be aware that the information contained herewith is considered a work‐in progress for this thesis project. Modifications and changes related to the original building designs and construction methodologies for this senior thesis project are solely the interpretation of Sean Parahus. Changes and discrepancies in no way imply that the original design contained errors or was flawed. Differing assumptions, code references, requirements, and methodologies have been incorporated into this thesis project; therefore, investigation results may vary from the original design.

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